Home Napredak


The Napredak estate in Stara Pazova covers around 3,700 hectares, where various crops are grown, including wheat, corn, soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers, and barley.

Also grows crops intended for livestock feed, such as alfalfa, rye, and corn silage. In addition, post-harvest soybeans, sunflowers, and corn for commercial use are also cultivated

The estate hosts the modern pig farm Petrović Salaš, which produces 42,000 pigs annually. It also includes the Nucleus farm for producing F1 generation breeding gilts using the renowned DanBred technology.

On this farm, careful crossbreeding produces high-quality piglets that are disease-resistant, highly fertile, and offer an optimal meat-to-fat ratio. The estate also houses a center for artificial insemination using boars of DanBred genetics.

The Napredak pig farm features a biomass plant utilizing crop production residues as an energy source.

The estate also includes a cattle farm with over 1,000 dairy cows and breeding stock of various categories (breeding heifers and female calves). The annual production target is around 11 million liters of milk, and the cattle breed is black Holstein, using Danish Vikinggenetics.