Home Ambitious goals for 2024.

Ambitious goals for 2024.

Delta Agrar sets ambitious goals for 2024: aiming for €340 million in revenue and investments in new technology

Delta Agrar has long been synonymous with a leading company in the agroindustry. At a recent annual press conference, CEO Luka Popović presented the results achieved and business plans for 2024. In addition to the successes already achieved, we plan further investment and growth to maintain our leading position in the market.

In line with our vision of continuous growth and innovation, we have set ambitious goals for 2024. We plan to achieve revenue of €340 million, representing a significant 22% increase over the previous year. Additionally, we plan to invest €31 million in new technologies and production facilities to support our further development.

One of the key factors in our success is the continuous investment in cutting-edge agricultural technology and digitalization. Thanks to these efforts, a large part of our operations today falls under the concept of smart agriculture. We have mapped 90% of Delta Agrar’s arable land and formed a digital agriculture team. Additionally, we use the most modern methods, such as variable fertilization, variable seeding, yield mapping, drone spraying, and the use of artificial intelligence.

Last year, we exported agricultural and food products worth €70 million. Our products from Serbia have found their place in markets in 38 countries worldwide, including Europe, the Far East, and the United States.

Delta Agrar continues to set standards in the agroindustry through innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to quality. Our plans for 2024 demonstrate our determination to maintain our leading market position and continue contributing to the agricultural sector.