Club apples

Club apples are exclusive apples that can only be produced by growers who have demonstrated exceptional results and commitment to product safety and quality.


The Modi apple will captivate you with its intensely red color.


There are few who can say they haven’t fallen in love with the Pink Lady apple!


Attractive, young, and full of aromatic flavors, Evelina will steal your heart with the first bite.


Kiku is an apple that will add a special flavor to all your culinary dishes.


The Isaaq apple is beloved around the world, especially by children, because of its distinctive size.


Sweet and sour, Red Moon is a completely natural apple, rich in antioxidants.


This is the perfect combination of a crunchy and sweet apple, with a well-balanced sweet and sour taste.


Sweetango is just what its name suggests, an apple that will ignite your taste buds and seduce you.

In its orchards on the estates in Čelarevo and Zaječar, Delta Agrar produces 9 varieties of club apples: Pink Lady, Modi, Kiku, Evelina, Red Moon, ISAAQ, Rubens, SweeTango, and Magic Star.

In addition to production rights, Delta Agrar has the exclusive right to distribute these apple varieties in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania, and non-exclusive distribution rights in Russia.


Try the exceptionally aromatic apple!

Attractive, young, and full of aromatic flavors, Evelina will steal your heart with the first bite.

With its appealing shape and colors in shades of red with yellow undertones, this apple is the definition of freshness and nature. It is juicy and crisp, a sweet apple with less pronounced acidity. Evelina is a firm apple, resistant, and keeps its freshness and taste for a long time, giving you the impression that you’ve just picked it from the tree.

Color: Red with yellow tones

Advantages: Firm, resistant apple that retains its freshness and flavor for a long time, always juicy and crisp

Taste: Sweet with lower acidity

Harvest season: September


Try the snack apple!

The Isaaq apple is beloved around the world, especially by children, due to its recognizable size. This apple, which fits in any pocket, is the ideal snack for any occasion and will delight you with its crispness, freshness, and juicy taste with every bite.

Due to its characteristic resistance, you can be sure that your children will always have a healthy and quality snack full of vitamins in their backpack.

Color: Intensely red

Taste: Crisp, fresh, juicy

Storage: Not prone to plant diseases, long shelf life

Usage: As a fresh apple in everyday diet

Harvest period: September


Are you ready for Kiku?

Kiku is an apple that will add a special flavor to all your culinary dishes. With its balanced sweetness, Kiku is ideal for daily consumption, allowing you to enjoy it guilt-free, no matter your diet. It’s also great for all your culinary dishes and desserts, and we encourage you to experiment and discover new ways to enjoy your Kiku apple every day.

Color: Red with yellow stripes

Consumption: Ideal for daily consumption, excellent for all culinary dishes

Taste: Balanced sweet flavor

Harvest: Early October


Try the perfectly balanced apple!

The Modi apple will captivate you with its intensely red color.

When you take a bite, you will taste an exceptionally balanced sweet and sour flavor that combines the best of both worlds. Once you fall in love at first sight, rest assured that it will last, as Modi has a long shelf life and will stay juicy even at room temperature for several weeks.

Color: Intensely red, streaked with yellow

Usage: As a fresh apple in everyday diet

TASTE: A perfect balance of sweet and sour, with an intense and fresh flavor on the palate



Try one of the world’s favorite apples!

There are few who can say they haven’t fallen in love with the Pink Lady apple!

It is much more than just an apple. Pink Lady is an apple with a balanced taste. It is both sweet and sour, a gourmet apple. Ideal for everyday consumption but also perfect for preparing various dishes. It is characterized by its pink-yellow color.

Pink Lady trees are among the first to bloom and the last to be harvested, and this long ripening process is what creates the fruit that meets special standards of quality, taste, and color.

Color: On most of the surface, the apple develops a pink blush, while the base color of the fruit is yellow

Usage: As a fresh apple in daily diet and as a gourmet apple for preparing various dishes

Taste: Crisp, juicy, with a balanced flavor that is both sweet and sour

Harvest season: Late October/early November


Try the apple with red flesh!

Sweet and sour, Red Moon is a completely natural apple, rich in antioxidants.

The red color is thanks to anthocyanins, organic pigments that naturally color fruits and vegetables (such as blueberries, grapes, plums, chokeberries, and cranberries) in an exceptional range of red, pink, blue, and purple hues that vary from apple to apple.

Anthocyanins have exceptional antioxidant properties, up to 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E. They protect against cardiovascular diseases, block harmful permeability of blood vessels by binding to collagen and elastin, and accelerate their regeneration against damage.

Because of the anthocyanins, the Red Moon apple is extremely resistant. Whether freshly sliced, in juice, cider, or culinary experiments, it retains its distinctive color without oxidizing, making it an excellent apple for enjoying in various ways!

Color: Red-fleshed apple

Usage: Great for all types of consumption, especially processing, as it doesn’t oxidize, keeping the red flesh intact. It is equally used as a fresh apple and for preparing juices, ciders, and gourmet delicacies.

Storage: Resistant until spring

Harvest period: Late September, early October


Try the aromatic Rubens!

This is the perfect combination of a crunchy and sweet apple. Its taste is well-balanced between sweet and sour. A consumer favorite, it holds the unofficial title of the favorite apple in England. Rubens is a very aromatic, firm apple, and it excites the senses with its richness of flavor. We can say it’s a true dessert apple!

Color: Streaked with orange-red stripes

Taste: Crisp, very aromatic

Usage: As a fresh apple in daily consumption, ideal for fruit salad

Harvest period: August


Are you ready for a tango in your mouth?

Sweetango is exactly what its name suggests, an apple that will ignite your taste buds and seduce you. It’s a sweet, crisp, juicy apple that will bring back memories of your favorite autumn recipes.

Color: Bright red, blushed apple with a yellow base

Taste: Sweet, crisp, fresh

Usage: Ideal for snacking, salads, cooking, and baking

Harvest period: September

Conventional Apples

In addition to club apples, Delta Agrar also produces popular varieties of conventional apples in its orchards: Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Delicious, and Breburn.